Danny Christie
Writer/Artist, Black Window London-born Danny Christie is a self-taught artist with a degree in Drama with Media and Communications who uses real life experiences infused with Afrofuturism in his art, writing, and rap music. As an artist of Caribbean descent Danny strives to authentically represent the Black British experience in his works in a way rarely seen since Horace Ové or Menelik Shabazz. He self-published his first graphic novel The Mystical Legend of Eagle-Ras in 2018. Black Window is based on the true story of his late mother Annette Christie (AKA Hana Tafari), a devout follower of Rastafari, and an activist in Brixton, before she was arrested, injected, and diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in the late 1990s. Danny wishes to use Black Window to tell part of her story as honestly as possible, he wishes to commemorate her memory and add her story to the pages of Black British history, and British history overall. Danny hopes that sharing her experiences (juxtaposed with his own) will bring strength and understanding to people who share similar experiences, and inspire conversations about activism, mental health, and racism in the UK.